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Some thing for archery

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:14
by Dwduc
I didn't take any photos during the process but this is a device for tuning archery sights that Shadow came up with.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:14
by Shadowden
This block will provide a solid platform to tune arrow rest position (center shot and vertical height), as well as leveling the sight and squaring the sight face. A long stud will be threaded into the hole pictured and will also thread into the bow's stabilizer mount. Then the block can be anchored in a benchtop vise and the bow leveled using a long level and secured with a nut against the bow. In the first position the rest can be set and the sight leveled. When the block is oriented on the angle then the sight face can be squared. That setting is critical for uphill or downhill shots.

Came out great dw! Thanks!