A guy on facebook posted some pics of his shift knob he's trying to sell. It's transparent with a rotor and housing inside. I inquired about price and he said he paid $275 for it two years ago. Yeaaaaahhhh, THAT'S a little too much. I saw one of these knobs in a pic years ago and I've been wanting one ever since. Here is the one he has.

Since I refuse to pay $275 for a shift knob, I started doing some research on making them, but then I found a company that makes these already. I contacted the company and sent him the pics of this knob and he told me he's pretty sure he made that previous run of knobs. He said he can do them again and if I get 25 or more I can get them for much cheaper. So I'm trying to get some people together, but if not I'll get one or two for myself anyway. I got this rotor keychain years ago just in case I ever discovered how to do it myself, but I'm thinking about this rotary heart keychain instead, the old symbol off the front grill of the RX-3. I think that would look AWESOME. Then there are the red, blue, and silver keychains that could be used too. And if people want the rotor and housing like the other knob he would probably do that too. I'm checking on the weight of the knobs for some of the guys, he didn't give an answer on that in the last response to me. The rotor itself is pretty heavy already though so that shouldn't be a problem. The only difference in this run would be that the knob is just a round ball, it won't have the neck like the other one does.

After crunching some numbers, if we have less than 25 people they'll be about $100 each, and with 25 or more people they'll be about $65 each. That's buying the keychain, him making the knob, and me shipping them back to you. It would be a little cheaper if I don't have to ship them, which I wouldn't for any of you guys probably. I'd say buy it yourself and just give it to me to ship to the guy but he needs them by 8 August. REALLY short on time here. If you want one, let me know by tomorrow night, (technically tonight I guess, 31 July) exactly what you want inside. Here are the options.
Satin silver rotor
Nickel plated (chrome) rotor
Gold plated rotor
Satin Silver rotor and housing
Nickel plated (chrome) rotor and housing
Gold plated rotor and housing
Rotary heart
Red old school Mazda symbol
Blue old school Mazda symbol
Silver old school Mazda symbol
If you want something other than what's listed above (a piston perhaps), it needs to be about the size of a half dollar, small enough to fit in the knob.
I have to get these and remove the chains and clean them up, so PLEASE get silver if you're getting a rotor haha. That would make it much easier because I'm not sure I could match chrome or gold plated as easily.